In 2000, Baptists Equipping Nationals opened its first training program in Egypt. BEN partners with biblical-training institutions who provide the actual academic training at each site. In 2000, Piedmont Baptist College partnered with BEN to provide Bachelor and Master’s level programs. In 2007, the BEN board led in the formation of the National Theological College and Graduate School (NTCGS), which now provides the academic training in Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon.

National Theological College & Graduate School (Graduate Division)

NTCGS offers the Master of Biblical Studies program in Egypt, with minors in Ministry or Christian Education. Both professors from North America, as well as NTCGS graduates teach in this program. The nineth cohort was begun in 2022.

National Theological College & Graduate School (Undergraduate Division)

NTC is the undergraduate division of NTCGS operating a year-round program in Cairo, Egypt. Since 2009, NTCGS nationals have organized, funded, taught, and administrated this school. Today, with accreditation and oversight from NTCGS, it offers the undergraduate program in Egypt. Hundreds of Egyptian students have been trained through NTC.

Learn more about NTCGS by visiting its website: